Working with parents is a very important and necessary stage in the activities of an educational organization, and a parent meeting is one of the main steps in the cooperation of the college and the parents of students. Kentau Polytechnic College hosted a general meeting of parents of 1st year students of the new set of 2024.

Traditionally, the topic of the parent meeting of freshmen is associated with the problems of adapting students to new living conditions. Over the days that have passed since the beginning of training, the teaching staff has managed to fully recognize freshmen from all sides, and within the framework of parental meetings, discuss ways of further interaction on the most effective training and education of students.

The parent meeting is organized in two stages. In the first part, Deputy Director for BP Zulpykharova M.R. introduced the parents to the Charter of the educational institution, the Internal Regulations for Students, and the Regulations of the educational institution governing the educational process. Parents pay special attention to the specifics of teaching children in college, that the current level of training of specialists is the optimal ratio of theoretical and practical training.

In addition, they brought information about the organization of extracurricular activities and leisure activities, namely, existing circles and sections, student council and events held at the college. Parents of nonresident students were informed about the rules for living in a student dormitory.

Also, at the parent meeting, N. Abdramanov, senior police lieutenant of the PB ZhPIUPT UPI of the city of Kentau, spoke about the prevention of offenses among young people, the safety of adolescents on the Internet, the responsibility of parents for the upbringing and illegal behavior of their children, the formation of a healthy lifestyle and responsible behavior of minors.

The curators of the training groups held the second part of the meeting in separate classrooms. The curators discussed issues of discipline and student performance, presented to parents the results of intermediate control for September 2024, answered all questions of interest, and held an individual consultation for parents.