Dual training - a form of training that combines training in the organization of education with mandatory periods of industrial training and professional practice at the enterprise with the provision of jobs and compensatory payments to students, with equal responsibility of the enterprise, educational institution and student.

The agreement on the dual training - a written agreement between the students, the enterprise providing a working space for the passage of industrial training and professional practice, and educational institution, which regulates conditions and procedures of the production nnogo training and professional practice.

The educational process in educational organizations implementing educational programs of technical and vocational, post-secondary education includes theoretical training in educational organizations , as well as vocational training and professional practice, carried out under the guidance of a master of vocational training, the head of practice in educational production workshops, training farms and training grounds, under the supervision of a mentor, master of industrial training, head of practice - at the bases e enterprises.

Educational programs of technical and vocational, post-secondary education using dual training provide for theoretical training in educational institutions and at least sixty-five percent of industrial training, professional practice on the basis of an enterprise.

1) creates the necessary conditions for the educational process;
2) agrees with the enterprise (organization) curricula and programs for the preparation of a student of dual education;
3) implements educational programs for dual training, taking into account the requirements of the enterprise (organization);
4) maintains control over the passage of industrial training and professional practice of the student in the organization ( enterprise);
5) conducts intermediate and final certification in an educational institution and takes part in a qualification exam;
6) upon agreement with the enterprise (organization ), sends engineering-pedagogical workers to the enterprise (organization) for internship;
7 ) promotes the employment of graduates who have studied dual education and have confirmed their qualifications;
8) concludes tripartite agreements on dual training;
9) educational organizations that implement educational programs of technical and vocational, post-secondary education, according to the results of mastering by students the professional modules within the framework of one qualification and (or) the results of intermediate certification, issue a certificate of professional training.
1) in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on education, employers provide places for professional practice, as well as industrial training, create safe conditions and fulfill the obligations stipulated by the agreements;
2) gets acquainted with the material and technical base of the educational institution, with the aim of making recommendations for adjustments to the educational process;
3) helps to strengthen the material and technical base of the educational institution;
4) submit applications to the regional chamber of entrepreneurs for the provision of training and workplaces at the enterprise (organization) for dual training;
5) participates in the development of working curricula and curricula of an educational institution, as well as educational and methodological complexes;
6) ensures the organization of industrial training and (or) professional practice at the enterprise (in the organization) in accordance with educational programs in accordance with the concluded agreement ;
7) provides the student with personal protective equipment in accordance with the instructions of the enterprise (organization) and the tools necessary for training;
8) provides student, workplaces in accordance with safety procedures;
9) assigns, on the basis of a contract on dual training, to a mentor’s student to provide guidance on industrial training and (or) professional practice;
10) acquaints with working conditions, regulatory legal acts regulating the given sphere, safety and labor protection conditions;
11) conducts all types of briefings provided by the legislation on labor protection, safety measures, and local documents of the enterprise (organization);
12) participates in the intermediate and final certification of the student;
13) at the discretion of the enterprise (organization) provides compensation for the student, in accordance with the Labor Code and the terms of the contract for dual training;
14) if there is a vacancy, it is considering the employment of graduates who have studied dual education and have confirmed their qualifications;
15) conducts interviews with applicants who have expressed a desire to study in dual education;
16) conclude tripartite agreements on dual of Buchan.
1) gets acquainted with working conditions, regulatory legal acts regulating this sphere, labor and labor safety conditions;
2) complies with training and production discipline, internal labor regulations, labor protection and safety requirements ;
3) undergoes a full training course established by the curriculum;
4) keep a diary on the passage of industrial training and professional practice, provide a report to the mentor on the work done;
5) passes intermediate and final certification upon completion of dual training.
24. The local executive body in the field of education :
1) provides the organization of training of qualified workers and mid-level specialists in dual training;
2) monitors the organization of dual training in the region;
3) provides advice on the organization of the educational process in dual training;
4) together with the regional chamber of entrepreneurs, is working to attract educational institutions and helps to attract enterprises (organizations) in dual training;
5) together with the regional chambers of business owners, promotes the conclusion of dual training agreements ;
6) monitors and promotes the employment of graduates who have studied dual education;
7) exercises other powers in the framework of dual education.
25. Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs:
1) accepts applications from enterprises (organizations) wishing to participate in dual training for the provision of training, jobs in the enterprise (organization);
2) provides assistance on the creation of training, jobs at the request of enterprises (organizations);
3) promotes the conclusion of agreements on dual training;
4) register and maintain a register of dual training agreements;
5) provides advisory assistance on the organization of the educational process in dual training;
6) assists in the training of a mentor from an enterprise (organization) and monitors the consolidation of mentors in enterprises (organizations);
7) facilitates the conduct of the qualification exam for graduates who have completed dual training;
8) coordinate the candidacy of the chairman and the composition of the qualification commission, formed from among representatives of enterprises (organizations) and associations of employers , when organizing the qualification exam;
9) exercises other powers in the field of dual training;
10) takes part in the formation of the state order for training.
26. Mentor:
1) with the consent of the direct manager of the enterprise (organization), connects other specialists of the enterprise for additional training of the student;
2) requires the student to follow directions on issues related to production activities;
3) requests the management to create the conditions necessary for the normal labor activity of his ward;
4) requires working reports from the student, both verbally and in writing;
5) makes proposals on the assignment of a working rank and participates in the discussion of the professional characteristics of the student;
6) participates in the discussion of issues related to official, social activities of the trainee, makes proposals to the direct head of the enterprise (organization), on his encouragement and the application of disciplinary measures ;
7) assists the trainee in familiarizing himself with industrial activity, corporate culture and in subsequent professional development, consolidating professional activity in the workplace;
8) teaches the student practical methods and methods for the qualitative performance of official duties and assignments;
9) teaches the student in accordance with the working curricula agreed with the enterprise (organization);
10) controls the execution of instructions given to the student;
11) identifies and jointly eliminates the mistakes made by the trainee, assists in the elimination of existing shortcomings;
12) forms a responsible attitude of the student in the performance of his professional duties, as well as a respectful attitude to colleagues at work;
13) fosters respect for the workers, their work and labor results, as well as a responsible attitude to their own work;
14) provides feedback on the student;
15) increases its level of qualification in the field of pedagogical technologies.