ЗУЛПЫХАРОВА МАЙРА РАХМАТУЛЛАЕВНА | Deputy director for educational work
icon Deputy director for educational work
Educational and extracurricular work with students is an integral part of the process of training specialists and the creation of a system of tools and actions responsible for solving pressing issues of education, combining deep professional knowledge and knowledge, high moral and patriotic qualities, creating favorable conditions for the personal and professional formation of college graduates who have a legal and communicative culture, capable of creative self-realization and taking an active civic position. Having passed the school of public organizations, associations, creative teams, the school of the volunteer movement, the student acquires the necessary guidelines for the scientist, leader, public figure, organizational and leadership skills, personal qualities. Carries out control and analysis of educational and production, methodological work;

- carries out the organization of the educational process in educational organizations;
- ensures the development of plans and measures for the organization of educational work, coordinates the current and strategic planning of career guidance work, monitors their implementation;
- develops a plan of educational work for the academic year;
- supervises the activities of a teacher-psychologist, social teacher, leaders of groups on educational work;
- coordinates the activities of leaders of groups, educators, librarians, teachers of additional education of the physical culture and recreation and artistic and aesthetic direction;
- conducts an analysis of educational work;
- organizes work on the development of methodological documentation for educational work, carries out systematic control over the quality of the educational process, individual work with students with special educational needs and with children of deviant behavior;
- carries out work to coordinate the development of the process of physical education, sports, recreation and military-patriotic work, to instill in students the norms of a healthy lifestyle;
- organize seminars, conferences, contests and other educational activities among teachers and students;
- carries out work on the formation of patriotism, citizenship, internationalism, high morality and morality, the development of diverse interests and abilities of students;
- organizes work with pupils from among orphans and children left without parental care, protects their legal rights and interests in accordance with legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- organizes work on the prevention of offenses among adolescents, organizes work on strengthening the educational and material base;
- coordinates the interaction of representatives of the administration, services and divisions of the organization of education, providing educational process with representatives of the public and law enforcement agencies, parents and parent committees;
- ensures the creation of a favorable moral and psychological climate in the organization of education;
- coordinates the activities of the service of psychological and pedagogical support for students with special educational needs;
- ensures compliance with the requirements of the rules on occupational safety and health, fire protection;
- monitors the state of medical care for students;
- provide a report on the results of educational work;
- develops recommendations on the organization of career guidance work among young people and the unemployed;
- corresponds to the performance indicators of deputy heads of organizations of technical and professional, post-secondary education, presented during assignment (confirmation), advanced training;
- instills anti-corruption culture, principles of academic integrity among students, teachers and other employees.
user Director
In accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the charter of the organization of education, educational, methodological, scientific, administrative, economic and financial and economic activities; - ensures...
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user Deputy Director for Academic Affairs
The general planning of the educational process is carried out in accordance with regulatory documents: - organizes the activities of the organization of education in accordance with the legislation of...
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user Deputy director for educational and production work
Content of the work: - control over the implementation of the practice term and its educational and methodological support; - conclusion of contracts with enterprises and organizations; - organization of...
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user Deputy director for educational work
Educational and extracurricular work with students is an integral part of the process of training specialists and the creation of a system of tools and actions responsible for solving pressing...
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